QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

If you are a QTH Hosting customer and would like to provide your own testimonial to appear on this page, please contact us.

Thanks for your excellent service over the past 9 years. I would recommend your hosting and web services to anyone needing web site hosting for their small business or group.

Gary Sutcliffe, Unified Microsystems

You have the best customer service. I appreciate your quick responses. I have used GoDaddy and DYN and you truly stand above them. Keep up the good work!

Michael Palmer

If you ever need a testimonial, just say the word! You've always been Johnny-on-the-spot with support and our website has never been down since we've been with QTH.

Karen Isaacson, Terraceweb Design

Add us to your list of satisfied customers. Everyone on our committee has noticed the speed improvement after we switched our site from GoDaddy to QTH!

Neil Rapp, Youth On The Air

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

SUPER prompt service, with attention to detail, while providing clear, easy to understand instructions. Highly satisfied. I could not ask for more.

James Richards

I just wanted to say that I am impressed with the web hosting. The reason I took up a hosting package, apart from the price, is that you always reply quickly to queries with no fuss and no nonsense. Well done!

Michael Todd, A.R. Companion

Thanks so much for your OUTSTANDING Customer Service! I've been in the field for 20 years...you are one of the BEST examples I've EVER seen...SERIOUSLY!!!

Bill Ashby, President, West Valley ARA

I appreciate your prompt attention and replies more than I can express. We feel very secure having our sites and domains hosted with you. It is quite a change from our previous web host, iPowerWeb. In fact, I never knew it could be this good!

Hal Hunter, Cheap QSLs

You are the first web hosting provider I have had in years that I have been happy with!

John Sherman

With other hosting services, you're lucky to get a person on the phone or even an e-mail response. Not so with QTH.COM. You may have any prospective customer call me up and I will personally vouch for you. This is the way web hosting should be done!

Jay Terleski, Array Solutions